
Brightest of his peers, yet youngest of them all. Then he started becoming opinionated on the issues bothering on their very existence. Weirder was the fact that every echo was accompanied by resounding facts which he was quite sure and had thought true. Then comes the one who felt he was too young to be, say or do. The one who thought opinions are cake slices served to the regents in the first row forgetting a egg crows later if given the chance.

He started seeming really different, to speak or not to act. To do or not to say and worst was to live or not to live. He wanted to speak but he held himself, he tried to live but there's been an inner yearning to do it beyond where he would be understood - but where else could this happen if not among the ones who reason beyond the thoughts of his oppressors.

Then he came by a new gathering. For a moment he stayed reserved listening to words of those the society termed wise. He tried to reason with the archaic thoughts of these ones and to grow a new stream of approach towards life which he already figured out. Then he met another who ideates just as him and this once again ignited his opinions. He said the first and got a smack, then the next a smirk and subsequently got a nod, then nods and now many nods.

There's been a revolution of ideas, there is been a new wave of thinking different from the ones of old. A new synergy of young minds with contemporary understanding of the ancient underpinnings deriding the society, this society of her past due glory. There is a new fire, there is a new connection and primary to the union is a young resourceful mind that understands the place of "ones thought".

