Guilty as Charged

Blame me all you like, or praise me god alike for the fruits of my emotions are earth bound and uncontrollably awaiting beyond the celestials. Hopelessness, often misconstrued as a negative term especially when semantically analysed but there is an often overlooked beauty in hopelessness.

Romanticism as of heroic times and adventures as often portrayed in home movies, ancient texts – I remember the shakespearian ones have always been the best. Most recent of them was Korede’s “Dream Boo…Phantom Bae” which captured the true depth of romantic imagination with a conceivable descriptive context. A method devised by all great authors and hopeless romantics in making great the depth of their emotions.

I was reading songs of Solomon the other day and I came to a realization that it takes a meadow of wisdom to manage emotions beyond human comprehension which is bestowed in just a few of us to make chosen others feel elated at first and every sight. Hate me all you like, blame me all you can…dynamism of human perception and emotions would always be my defense as I have tasted from the recipe of devil himself and I have groveled at the feet of the oppressor but against all odds I have triumphed over time though in multiple situations with the phantom one.

Mushy much, yeah.. a popular allegation from the ones who conceal deep inside them all the love and attention intended to be shared. They forget the place of selflessness and individualism in dishing out the expected affection. They create a standard of love and quantify emotions, often with a pessimistic approach of reciprocation. For God so love the world that he gave his only begotten son, for whosoever believeth in him shall not perish but have eternal life (John 3: 16), this right here is the ultimate love, this right here is the height of hopeless and wishful romanticism, so even if the creator could not help it for he so loved the world … who am I to quantify the emotions and affection I dish out to the ones I hold dearly. 


  1. When I'm asked how much I love God, I'll say 'it's not quantifiable'. Love is an uncountable noun too. You either Love or you don't love. We cannot conceal love. Love will always find a way.


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