Sour Outfit: More Life

...It really gets to that time - when after wishing for everything, all you want even more is more life, these are points when you stop asking existential questions and start living every moment to the fullest, making every passing second really count like it were our last.

"The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and with no fear for richer and newer experiences" - Eleanor Roosevelt
With the look of things,  there is not much disparity between where we were and what we were.  Just the grace of where we are headed as the only true meaning to life is the perception of losing what we hold so dearly. The best is similar to the worst, the brief twitch and tweak to both the heart and brain structure - maybe too far,  I mean a brain wave felt by the close capture of a Cleopatra's twin with the physique as though the good lord has graced us with the presence of nothing made less perfectly as angel Lucifer before the great declension. Smile crafted in shape of onyx, grin so immaculate even the squeaks of the  sonorous moths described it's beauty to the blind. Such brightness, beyond the obvious evidence of day over night. 

I can take this full scribble making great what I felt but you won't still know  a pinch of the salt sack or I can tell you the wrath that follows an evident tale of grace. Lusting after her for so long and making endless plans to maximize the slightest opportunity to behold her - all through ages of hope to death, wishing their were a day or time that it could just be both of us with absolutely no interest in that other condescending perfectionist who all she brings is the reason to do. Here and there, striving for her attention but distractions that feel so right keep popping up with all the right claims.  The feeling is truly not quantifiable but with the help of the luxuries that comes herein are describable. Hope of laying next to her and making every action from that moment count because to me- that really puts meaning to living, but here comes purpose and grace looking down on us as though we have ignored the manuals that came with our very existence. See them both calling out on time, work, wealth and i was even surprised to see love judge me so badly.

They all have made me believe that Purpose; being leader of consortium of other actions define life - where then do waves of beauty and actual tides of love fall? If characterized by most definite feature;  are love, beliefs and beauty just choices? Or are they just inexplicable and responsible for lacuna in nature balance. Are we architects of these imbalance or were we destined to make this cynical living? could it be that we had lived in the past, learning how to go after purpose in what we now have in our hands as after-life? If yes, why then do i have these cravings and undying thirst of more  life and more meaning to my actual existence than the daily strives and strides to make sense out of my living as though its all borrowed moments.

Edited by: Ogbebor EmaOdia 
Twitter: @emaodia
